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"A cheap home-made drum sander" This drum sander is for use in an electric drill. The components are probably all readily to hand in your household and workshop. It is not the intention to give exact dimensions as the components you have to hand will determine that. All I am doing is presenting you with the idea! The pictures are probably all you need to understand the principle. |
The spindle is made from a bolt (by cutting the head off), two nuts and oversize washers are used to clamp a plastic cap from a spray can or similar. Commercial sanding paper is glued to the cap using contact adhesive. A hint at dimensions: The unit in the pictures is the second one I have made up. I needed a smaller diameter tool for a specific job. So in this instance the bolt is M8 (3/8") and the 'drum' has a diameter of 55mm (2 1/8") by 50mm (2") long. |
To get the hole in the cap nicely in the center it is often possible to use an indentation most caps have at their center. By the way, the slight flexibility of the open rim is desirable, it prevents 'chattering'. When the grit of the production paper has reached the end of its useful life you simply cut another strip and glue it on top of the old one, staggering the joints. In time the diameter increases a little. The grit seems to last quite well, especially if you keep the cutting speed slow, at least slower than you think it should go. |
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